Staff development for workplace wellbeing

The University offers a range of personal and professional development opportunities for staff of all levels. Please visit the staff development page for details on how to enrol.

Bespoke in-house training and development sessions

The University’s Human Resources team regularly delivers in-house sessions tailored to different roles and interests, such as ‘Time Management during Challenging Times’, ‘Coaching Skills for Managers’, ‘Managing Wellbeing’, ‘Taking Effective Minutes’ and much more.

Coaching and academic mentoring

These dual schemes help staff to address specific work-related challenges and gain advice, guidance and encouragement regarding their work and career development.

I-act training

I-act is the UK’s leading evidence-based and accredited mental health and wellbeing programme for understanding and managing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. The course is focused around a comprehensive, evidence-based manual which contains a wide range of excellent and useful tools and strategies for promoting positive mental health and wellbeing for staff and colleagues.

Keeping Mental Health in Mind

This E learning package, developed by the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust, is designed to give non-specialist staff the skills, knowledge, and confidence to offer a first line of support to students who may have mental health issues. It is particularly recommended for staff with pastoral responsibilities. To access this leaning opportunity, please click here

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Wales

This programme is run in-house by our team of mental health advisors and is available through the Staff Development Training Schedule for booking. It is suitable for staff with direct contact with vulnerable adults and students suffering because of a mental health problem. This course teaches the effective skills that could make a difference to a person in a mental health crisis.

Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence

This course is designed to support staff in how to effectively receive a disclosure of sexual violence from a student. The course is interactive and features several short films, case studies, news articles and activities. It should take you approximately 1-2hrs to complete. To access this course, please click here